About Our School


DAV Public School, NTS, Barkakana, a leading school in the coalfields belt of Jharkhand started functioning as a DAV institution from 1st November 1987 with an approximate strength of 250 students, 12 teachers and 5 other staff members.

Message of the Principal


As the Principal of the school, I feel honoured and privileged to be a part of an educational institution where every day is an opportunity to learn and discover. We look at ourselves as a community of learners, where everyone learns including our teachers, parents and staff.

Important Message by
DAV Management

Olympiad Registration is open for more details please visit -http://davcae.net.in/


OSM Login

inside school

Independence Day

Independence Day is celebrated annually on 15 August as a public holiday in India commemorating the nation's independence

International Yoga Day 2023

The theme for International Yoga Day 2023 is determined by the United Nations, which officially recognised this observance in 2014.

Cyber Security

Cyber Security & Safety bulletin board made by Cyber congress on 8-9-18 during PTM, Cyber congress gave information to parents

Contact Us ↓

DAV Public School CCL, NTS Barkakana
Ramgarh, Jharkhand
Phone : 9431955816 Time [08:00 AM to 5:00 PM]
E-Mail : davbrkaoffice.1987@gmail.com


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